
Subject : LUG: Meeting tomorrow at 7pm: LaTeX

From : Brian Cottingham <spiffytech@gmail.[redacted]>

Date : Mon, 05 Sep 2011 14:55:45 -0400

SAS Hall room 1108
Tuesday Sept. 6, 7:00pm

We'll be kicking off the semester tomorrow with a presentation on LaTeX, a fancy way to make documents that gives you fine-grained control over document layout and makes it easy to radically restyle your document through a system reminiscent of how CSS interacts with HTML.

We'll show you how to make a basic document with LaTeX, and give you some pointers on using LaTeX to create a résumé for the upcoming career fair (many technical recruiters can spot a résumé made with LaTeX and will look more favorably on you for it). We'll go more in-depth on résumé creation at our next meeting.

After the meeting, around 8, we'll head out to a local restaurant for dinner.


Brian Cottingham
President, LUG@NCSU